32RFP Grant Call

Grant Call

The Education Research Funding Programme Office (ERFPO) is pleased to announce the 32nd Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Education Research Funding Programme (ERFP). ERFP is open to Institutes of Higher Learning (IHL) with the aim of fostering stronger collaborations with IHL partners. ERFP also encourages research collaborations between IHLs and MOE.

The 32RFP forms part of the 5th tranche of research funding from the Ministry of Education (MOE), Singapore. Over these five years (FY2023-2027), the ERFP continues to build on the work that has been undertaken in previous cycles of education funding by strengthening the foundation (in terms of knowledge, capability, and structure) for education research, development and innovation in existing and emerging research areas. ERFP also continues to encourage efforts to design, develop and implement strategic, evidence-based, collaborative, scientifically rigorous and outcomes-focused innovations in schools and classrooms. The primary aims are to improve classroom practice, enhance student outcomes, and build organisational and teacher capacities.


The ERFP 5th tranche will direct funding towards supporting MOE research priorities. The 32nd Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Education Research Funding Programme (ERFP) is anticipated to be announced in early August 2024. These research priorities are complemented by a set of research problems articulated by various MOE Divisions.

Problems of Policy/Practice (PoPs) that fall within General Education Research Agenda (GERA) and Early Childhood Research Agenda (ECRA) are shared with researchers in ERFP engagement sessions which are hosted separately. To find out more about the research areas and PoPs featured in 32RFP or previous grant calls, please contact grants@erfp.edu.sg.


Researchers are encouraged to engage MOE to discuss and co-construct research proposals. Researchers can also share their preliminary ideas or proposals with MOE Corporate Research Office (MOE-CRO) or ERFPO to facilitate further discussion with relevant MOE divisions.

Research teams are also encouraged to collaborate with others within and across institutions including other institute of higher learning in Singapore for relevant content expertise or scholars in National Institute of Education for expertise related to the local school system.

Submission of Grant Application

Expressions of Interest and applications for ERFP (Tier 1 to 3) as well as Programmatic Proposal should be submitted online through Research Operation Management System (ROMS).

All EOIs and proposals must be submitted according to the grant call deadline. Late submissions cannot be accepted.

PIs who submitted a proposal for a previous RFP and are waiting to receive notification of results are encouraged to submit an Expression of Interest. The Expression of Interest can be withdrawn if the earlier proposal is approved.

Please refer to the respective links below for the application forms, templates and references mentioned above. The respective templates and references contain further instructions that applicants should follow.

The grant application for 32RFP has closed. For more information, please refer to 33RFP Grant Call.

Important Dates for 32RFP

Grant Call Announcement1 August 2024
Grant Call Briefing (Online via Zoom)7 August 2024, 3pm to 5pm
Grant Writing Workshop20 August 2024, 3pm to 4pm
Expression of Interest5 September 2024, by 5pm
Full Proposal Submission19 September 2024, by 5pm
Endorsement by DoR26 September 2024, by 5pm