31RFP Engagement Session

ERFPO and MOE’s Corporate Research Office organised a face-to-face Engagement Session on 16 February 2024, Friday, 3pm – 5pm. The session was held at MOE HQ Buona Vista.

This engagement session aimed to foster collaboration between IHL researchers and MOE practitioners in the 5th tranche of Education Research Funding Programme (ERFP). The focus was to discuss and co-construct potential research proposals.  At the session, MOE practitioners provided details about MOE’s research priorities, and researchers shared preliminary ideas relevant to MOE’s research needs.

The GERA and ECRA areas highlighted at the ERFP engagement session were:

  • GERA Area 5: Understanding the impact of educational pathways and related policies on social interaction and mobility, and other longer term outcomes.
  • GERA Area 6: Shaping environment (e.g., physical, social, cultural) within school and beyond school to better support students and optimise learning.
  • ECRA Priority 2: Social mobility and support for children from lower-income families. 
  • ECRA Priority 4: Impact of preschool.

During the session, researchers received information, including details on specific ‘problems of practice/policy’ (PoPs) of interest.

Overall, researchers found this session to be a great opportunity to network and collaborate with other IHL and MOE colleagues.

For more information on the MOE’s research priorities and the related PoPs , pls contact grants@erfp.edu.sg