33RFP Grant Writing Workshop

The Education Research Funding Programme Office (ERFPO) organised an online 33RFP Education Research Funding Programme (ERFP) Grant Writing Workshop, attended by colleagues from MOE and Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs), Singapore. This workshop was a follow-up to the 33RFP ERFP Grant Call Briefing that took place on 4 March 2025.  

In this workshop, Associate Professor Daniel Tan, Deputy Director (Academic), Research Management, ERFPO, presented on the aims of ERFP, grant types, funding quantum and review process. The importance of well-structured proposals which are aligned with Singapore’s education research priorities, detailed methodology, ethical considerations and project feasibility were emphasized.

The workshop also included insights from experienced Principal Investigators such as Associate Professor Adrian Kwek from the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) and Assistant Professor Wen Yun from the National Insitute of Education (NIE), sharing their experiences  on how to write and implement successful development grants.

The recording of the Grant Writing Workshop can be accessed here