29RFP Grant Writing Workshop

The Education Research Funding Programme Office (ERFPO) organised an online 29RFP Education Research Funding Programme (ERFP) Grant Writing Workshop, attended by colleagues from MOE and Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs), Singapore. This workshop was a follow-up to the 29RFP ERFP Grant Call Briefing that took place on 11 April 2023.  

In this workshop, Dr Elizabeth Koh, Deputy Director (Academic), Research Support, ERFPO, shared on how to write a successful ERFP proposal. Dr Koh shared tips on how to elaborate clearly on value proposition and contribution of the proposed project both in theoretical and practical aspects as well as building up the rigor and feasibility of the design, implementation and research analysis. This session was informative for potential grant applicants by providing relevant details on writing successful grants. 

The recording of the Grant Writing Workshop can be accessed here